Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Physically representing geologic time last Thursday

 (Facing East) This is the most recent period of geologic history with the first kids holding up "First Plants" all the way to the last kids holding up "Stone Age People". It was very fun and interesting for the kids to see time spread out over the whole field. Of course we ran the area a couple times when we first got there--just loving the space and grass. After we returned to school, we started to physically represent 'time' on paper.  We have been doing a couple of drafts for accuracy and for the group to work on accomplishing the LT. 

(Picture taken facing west) Looking back in geologic time from photosynthesis to the birthday of  Earth over 4.6 billion years ago. We enjoyed the lovely weather at the soccer field right off  Taylor Ave. on UI campus. It only takes the 5/6 about 8 minutes to get to this amazing green space. We used the whole 100 meters. Ms Kuhle marked it out and we used the white boards to show the particular events and then for the kids to stand on the meter mark that represented that period of time. The lithosphere is making more sense.