Thursday, May 31, 2012

Pictures from the last day of school May 25, 2012

Chemistry Concept by Karina Kramer

 Each student evaluated one of the two comics created using the rubric we created from studying comics

Re-inventorying all the parts of the legos boxes that came to each team from the Idaho Tech/NASA program from UI. Each team did a great job working together to count and make sure everything was back in is spot.

Frances self evaluating her work.

A great example of one of the Fire Extinguisher comics. This one is done by Sam Caisley and he really worked through revision and felt very happy with his final that told a better story about the topic.

Milo studies the rubric and his comic and, as usual, grades himself very critically.

Lee knew immediately which comic he wanted to evaluate and he wrote comments too. That means he was still thinking so much about his work. 
Now on to Middle School!!

Now on to 7th Grade!!!

Congratulations 5/6!! This has been such a full year and all of you really grew so much as students and people! I am very proud to have been your teacher!