Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Truck Physics- Chemistry Expedition

 The same day as the Live Burn, the kids were given how a pumper truck works. We toured #27 by looking in all the compartments with Dave Reynolds explaining and fielding questions. One of the most interesting parts of this expedition has been to watch the kids learn how much learning and knowledge a firefighter or EMT must know.
 My phrase has been GOOOLLLLYYY GEEE! There sure is a lot to learn! The Golly Gee part is in big letters since we also focused this expedition on language--the 8 parts of speech and the origins of our English language. By knowing the root, suffix and prefix help them make sense of words that are newly met in content they are ready for.

Anyway--today we put the check list together for all the summaries that are being revised and on their way to final copy. There is one more comic to produce and go through the whole process, but the content we have covered has been covered!!

Reminders: Student Led Conferences are May 21-23 anytime after school; send info through the planner.

Dave Reynolds answering and  explaining and answering and explaining and answering and explaining.:)

In take and discharge

Kids with clipboards is a good thing! They all took notes so they could write up a summary of how the truck works. 

Turn Outs

Back in the classroom at Fire Station #2 revisiting all the info and answering more questions during out lunch.
Fire Extingushers++++++++

And once again...Thank you City of Moscow Volunteer Department!