Monday, September 5, 2011

First 3 days were just right...I know you know. Y'know?!

The 5/6 went right to work learning about how we do things, using their planner, participating in Crew meetings and starting Writer's Workshop. We did a lot of academics and started setting the tone of our crew: inclusive, fun, demanding and interesting.

The basic schedule of our day is in your child's planner. Know you have been talking about what is happening with your kids as it is in their planners. Thank you for signing and communicating to me through them. The debrief and reflection is super important in helping them remember all that we do and for them to evaluate how they did individually and as a crew.

We did a pre assessment (Finding out what we already know) about what CREW means and will get to spend time creating a good understanding together this week. This information writing in Learning Target language is up on the white board. Come in and discuss it with your kiddo.

The kids are bringing home books to read and know you are beginning to understand 'Fridge Logs'.

We have 2 parents that will be Co-Crew Parents: Collette DePhelps (Forest's mom) and Rachel Caudill (Avery's mom) THANK YOU to them. All the parents will be contacted by them as we put together a 5/6 Directory.

This picture is of Gunnar and Lee explaining the "strengths" of working together. The crew was getting clear communication about how to work together no matter the grouping partners or size. In EL language, we created and "anchor chart" that shows all the information we know and will do when working together.

Be sure to plan a time to come in and get to know through the words of your child. Our routines are being set and expectations layed down clearly. Please take a half hour to come in this week. I'll be around if you want to chat with me too.

Be sure to ask your kid about the saying, "I know you know. Y'know?!

Thanks, Ms. Bonzo