Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The past few days in the 5/6

Sorting the rocks and name characteristics of each as part of Case Study #1

In Writers' Workshop, the groups are sharing the 'problem' they have created for their  tomato story.

Finding the right adjectives to describe metamorphic, sedamentary, and igneous

Ms. Boysen, our Title I Teacher joins us while Claire leads Morning Meeting. 

Some of the posted Learning Targets for this Case Study.

Isn't is great that things that are seen everyday like rocks can become so much more interesting with knowledge. The concentration during this activity was great.

The writers here are sharing and giving compliments, questions, or comments to help each other. We had  first had a lesson to make sure we knew what a problem sounds like to the reader. This writing has the purpose to entertain each other and has helped the kids get to know each other and what kinds of things they think are interesting and funny.

Typical Planner. We have been really working on what content looks like that goes into these so that you can ask questions about the day and be aware of what we are doing. Today the kids wrote to each other something that they liked or appreciated about another. The tone of the room is beginning to feel very content.

More great examples of the kids concentrating. After we did this work, we did an in depth reading on each. Ask them the difference between intrusive igneous and extrusive igneous rocks.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Measuring and Remeasuring and some that's how to think!!

 The 5/6 Crew has 5 Interns this year from the UI College of Education. These young people, our next wave of educators, are fun to have in the classroom. The kids get to know them and learn from with them. Ms. Barry and Ms. Chinnock (pronounced Chennick) came with us on our Field Work day. The other 3, Mr. Myers, Ms. Huggins, and Mr. Alt have all worked with the 5th grade in math. It is fun to watch and listen to the conversations they are having and the good thinking coming from these interactions. The UI students are with us for 3 hours once a week.  

Spectacular Day for Field Work- Sphere in the Headlights

At this location many questions were posed to get the kids to think about how the land has these contours and what are the causes for the way the land is now. We have spent time learning about the hydrosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere and have been considering their interactions. We are going to be focusing on the lithosphere in our first case study.  The kids kept field notes on clipboards. All the way to the top they walked and worked in triad groups to grow socially and academically together. Together, they noticed and wondered, took pictures to document 'sphere' interaction and then had time for reflection.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ms. Kuhle is our mystery guest and the kick off for Expedition

 On Thursday, a familiar face to the PPSEL 5/6 Crew entered our classroom. This time she came as an expert and as I introduced her as such, told the kids we were going to play 20 questions for them to guess her expertise. They guessed that she is a geologist (among other things!) !!!

This expedition is called Sphere in the Headlights and has a science focus. That means that the expeditions alternate from science to social studies during our tri-semester year.

We also had our first field experience. Always one rules governs anything done with the kids--SAFETY. So our first excursion was to get some observations done and to put in place how we work when we are off campus.

At Curriculum Night THIS THURSDAY( remember you have seen this info in the kiddo's planner), we have a chance to talk more about all that we do in the 5/6 Crew.

Look forward to seeing you all. ~ Ms. Bonzo

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Co-Crew Parents

 These two lovely ladies who are very photogenic are the 5/6 Crew's Co-Crew Parents.
 Collette DePhelps (Forest's Mon and Rachel Caudill (Avery's Mom) volunteered to help out our crew.

 Many parents over the last two years have helped so much. Thank you, thank you.

These two decided to take it on together to help me and organize even more to help us stay connected and get you involved too, if you haven't been able to up to now:).
Being a public charter school is full of things to do and volunteerism in any school is always appreciated, but at such a new school, having extra help is truely a wonderful addition. They are working as a team, of course, and either one will contact you by email once you give permission .

****If you would like for them to be able to contact you by email, please let me know. Just email me that it is okay for them to have your email address.****
That way we can start a directory for 5/6 parents to share with each other too. After all, you will know these parents for at least the next seven to eight years as all the kids are in school together--and the time will fly!!

Thanks so much. ~ Ms. Bonzo

More updates on the 5/6 soon. We have had 5 very good days as we meld into  Our Crew. And thank you all for talking to them and signing those planners!!

Monday, September 5, 2011

First 3 days were just right...I know you know. Y'know?!

The 5/6 went right to work learning about how we do things, using their planner, participating in Crew meetings and starting Writer's Workshop. We did a lot of academics and started setting the tone of our crew: inclusive, fun, demanding and interesting.

The basic schedule of our day is in your child's planner. Know you have been talking about what is happening with your kids as it is in their planners. Thank you for signing and communicating to me through them. The debrief and reflection is super important in helping them remember all that we do and for them to evaluate how they did individually and as a crew.

We did a pre assessment (Finding out what we already know) about what CREW means and will get to spend time creating a good understanding together this week. This information writing in Learning Target language is up on the white board. Come in and discuss it with your kiddo.

The kids are bringing home books to read and know you are beginning to understand 'Fridge Logs'.

We have 2 parents that will be Co-Crew Parents: Collette DePhelps (Forest's mom) and Rachel Caudill (Avery's mom) THANK YOU to them. All the parents will be contacted by them as we put together a 5/6 Directory.

This picture is of Gunnar and Lee explaining the "strengths" of working together. The crew was getting clear communication about how to work together no matter the grouping partners or size. In EL language, we created and "anchor chart" that shows all the information we know and will do when working together.

Be sure to plan a time to come in and get to know through the words of your child. Our routines are being set and expectations layed down clearly. Please take a half hour to come in this week. I'll be around if you want to chat with me too.

Be sure to ask your kid about the saying, "I know you know. Y'know?!

Thanks, Ms. Bonzo

Friday, September 2, 2011

Water Bottles and Planners and Reading

 The kids are really understanding their role in communicating. We have spent time discussing and using the planners. They are talking to you about their day with the details. They are conscientious and determined and I am already so proud of them. Thank you for taking the time with them.

Everyone is working on the best time to read each night!! YEA!!

Also, please make sure water bottles are kept with them at school. They can drink throughout the day. My recommendation is to keep the water bottle at school during the week and take it home to clean over the weekend. We all need to drink to keep our brains and bodies working well.

Looking forward to today. Have a safe and wonderful Labor Day weekend.