Sunday, August 28, 2011

Back to School Night is tomorrow night from 5:30-6:30 p.m.

 Hello Families,

The past week at school has been very full of work, but the best part is having parents and kids drop by. Thank you for coming in whether to work or just visit. Please continue to visit during the school year--everyday after school is a wonderful time to have your child go through what we are doing.

Tomorrow night will be exciting and fun, but it is only an hour. So remember, if you would like to have a discussion, set up an appointment and that will happen. Also, during the month of September, we will have a curriculum night for parents of the 5/6 to come in and get a real understanding of what is going on.
Back to School night is helping the kids feel like they are going to be okay and for you to know that too.

See you very soon!!!:)

Ms. Bonzo