Sunday, March 18, 2012

Reading to our Expert and Reflection for Student Led Conferences

 As busy as Mr. Caisely our 5/6 theatre and screenplay expert was this semester, he was able to come in and listen to the whole script! The kids were thrilled by his feedback and he was impressed with the content, ideas, and abilities! The kids spent the last week before Spring Break typing up the scenes and revising during the process. A full script will be printed this week for all of them to have.

Also, the students prepared for Student Led Conferences which happen this week after school. Come in any time after school until 4:30.

The pictures are from when the kids formally presented to each other and Mr. Caisely and then the triads sharing their reflections with triad mates. Since they had worked the whole six weeks with these particular people, sharing what each learned during the expedition, and how they grew formed the foundation of the discussions. Our portfolios show progress, so the conversation the kids were having with each other helped them to prepare for conversations with their parents.