Aug. 29, 2011 We had a very terrific first day. The 5/6 Crew participated in an activity in Morning Meeting. This activity was to help get them acquainted with each other and their space. They were paired and given sticky notes with the directions to walk around our classroom and notice and wonder. These two verbs are very actively part of what EL methods celebrate; that is, thinking and processing together. Today, these 5/6 kids shared information together and we will process how we do things to help them all know our protocols and expectations. By Friday everyone will be able to explain so much of what we do. Parents be sure to plan a visit very soon!! Come by after school when you get a chance.
Oct.17, 2011 Today we will continue to reinforce the importance of taking care of each other and our classroom. On Friday the kids reflected in their Planners on this one idea Name three things that I do to help take care of my crew and my classroom. We will create an anchor chart to remind them daily of all they have been doing in the areas of Courage, Responsibility, Empathy and Welcoming.
Be sure to ask you child about how they contribute to 'good contagious behavior'.