Thursday, March 29, 2012

Mars Rover- Robotics Case Study

 Thanks to Mr. Soule and Amy Ball for providing the money to get the Lego sets for 4 teams. This Case Study is Physics in Action!! It has been fun to watch as the kids learn by exploring the parts and what they do, are given a goal (like get the car moving) and then debrief what works and what to improve.

Each team (Team Shamrock, Robo Rage, Duds, and Voyager) knows that the Rover has 4 tasks it is to do. All team members participate and help also to create a poster, and scientific journal/notebook that explains their thinking process. They have learned that the more they share, the more everyone gains in design.

These pictures cover the last week as we have spent time with Newton's first and second laws!  The  Competition is April 27!!  

Monday, March 26, 2012

Haiti Breakfast

Farming is Life is the name of the program that the Paloma Institute created to work with the people of La Gonave, Haiti and who the 5/6 supported once again by bussing tables at the breakfast on Sunday morning from 9-noon. These students were complimented for the focus, energy, and general good natured work attitudes during the whole morning. People really noticed how they gave their time and enjoyed themselves. 

Because it was such a warm and sunny morning, they also had quite a fun time throwing snow around too. These kids are such a pleasure to work with!

Be sure to let them know how important it was that they were they!!!


Milo, Emma Lee, John,  Jared, Lee, Claire, Simone,  and Forest

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Reading to our Expert and Reflection for Student Led Conferences

 As busy as Mr. Caisely our 5/6 theatre and screenplay expert was this semester, he was able to come in and listen to the whole script! The kids were thrilled by his feedback and he was impressed with the content, ideas, and abilities! The kids spent the last week before Spring Break typing up the scenes and revising during the process. A full script will be printed this week for all of them to have.

Also, the students prepared for Student Led Conferences which happen this week after school. Come in any time after school until 4:30.

The pictures are from when the kids formally presented to each other and Mr. Caisely and then the triads sharing their reflections with triad mates. Since they had worked the whole six weeks with these particular people, sharing what each learned during the expedition, and how they grew formed the foundation of the discussions. Our portfolios show progress, so the conversation the kids were having with each other helped them to prepare for conversations with their parents.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Second Winter Market- Service for Humane Society of the Palouse

Great turn out on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. with kids all arriving on time and getting right to the work of talking to customers coming to the market and revealing how much they know and care about the Humane Society. There was also a special treat as Trina, Humane Society of the Palouse Cat Tech who brought the newest rescue,  Ali, a puppy that was dumped from a car. The kids loved on the puppy helping it to keep warm because the day  was quite brisk even though no rain.

 These items made our area look wonderful: 
Thanks to Julia Parker (Simone's Mom), Terry Grieb and Debbie Berkana (Jared's family), Colette DePhelps and John (Forest's family) Kate Jaekel (Avery's Mom), Mrs. Clark ( Dan's Mom) for bringing the canopy, table, chairs, and table cloth and WARM COOKIES:).

Fast and Furious examples of finger knitting and needle knitting-Emily, Emma Lee and Frances

Getting startned
Speaking to customers--this was hard but each really learned how to approach and have conversations

Ms. Corwine crocheted pot holders and Emma S. made a classes case, Emma Lee made a neck gator and lots of coaster sets.

Mrs. Karr and Miss Corwine excited the kids by coming by!!!

 Trina with Milo and Solomon who is holding.

Tatum and Riston came to help!!! Tatum made a shirt!!! Great Idea

The kids have raised about $300 dollars over the two Saturdays. We will present a check to the Humane Society soon.