Thursday, December 15, 2011

Taking a scene and seeing it in its 'parts' and passing along a 5/6 tradition!

The kids worked with a partner and took a scene from the actual Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire script and recreated it to see all the parts of a scene. Then they wrote the Slug Line (white index), Description/ Action(orange index) and Dialogue (yellow index). They shared with their partner. The format for the screenplay is really becoming imbedded in their heads--the writing they do in the content area ( after we research around each symbol) will 'show' more than tell. It is quite process. I've even been writing the Morning Message in this format. It's been fun to see the kids act out what is written in before Morning Meeting.

The are all the scenes chosen and correctly formatted. We talked about how the action just as important and some shots are all description of what is seen by the audience.

Working in the 'Outside Classroom' space.
 Passing along the tradition of 'Finger Knitting'-- the 5/6 all are making scarves. They will also learn to crochet and knit. We'll decide in January our Service Project for these items.

 Traditions are important to share. We talked about the importance of them in families and even in classes. It has been a happy couple of days seeing all the kids working together, learning together and so comfortable with each other.

Donated yarn and a basket of scarves from  the previous year's Haiti Project. The meter stick was part of the discussion about proper length. The color choices of the kids is great. Some are buying scarves for family members--hope you are lucky recipient of such creative labor. All money made goes to a project that they will decide together to support.

This is a great way to use all this 5/6 energy!!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Symbols of America- Social Studies Expedition

 This is some the formatting notes for our final product which will be a screen play. The first day of this expedition we had great information taught to us by our expedition expert, UI professor and playwrite Robert Caisely. He came and 'wowed' the 5/6 with all kinds of movie information and 'how tos'. This will be such an interestingly new writing experience because writing a screen play needs to be visual with so much specific dialogue.

 This is the actual screen play for Harry Potter. We read through six pages taking notes and learning how  a script comes to be.

Mr. Caisely (Sam's Dad) telling the kids stories about the writing process. He was so entertaining--I felt so like the Old School Marm keeping him reined in because one he got the kids giggling...we covered a lot of information during our lunch note taking session.

December 5- February 24 will be the time period for this expedition. Then we'll have the next Discovery Week. 

This expedition will cover 100 years, 1800-1900, focusing on westward expansion/manifest destiny through by using the symbols as the anchor for the specific chunks of time. The kids will work with me on the first case study to become an expert for what they will need to have researched and then the triads (groups of three screenwriters) will work together to write about one of the symbols from this time period.

UPDATE on the creative nonfiction letters to the NW Congressional Delegation:
Mr. Buser, the president of the Ice Age Floods Institute ( )
emailed me on Monday to say that he used the letters while in Washington D.C. and they were well received by the legislators.
 Also, he said that one or two will end up in the IAFI January newsletter! Good work  5/6 CREW!!

Reminder: Kids need to have water bottles at school-- a well hydrated kid works and feels better. :)